OUR Product Portfolio

For over two decades, PMI has established itself as the pioneer in synthetic skin substitute engineering, continuously expanding its innovative portfolio.

SUPRATHEL® is a proven synthetic skin substitute that has revolutionized the treatment of epidermal and dermal wounds. Since its launch more than 20 years ago, it has significantly influenced the switch to synthetic products and is now used in more than 40 countries worldwide as a standard treatment for second-degree burn wounds and split thickness skin graft (STSG) donor sites.

SUPRA SDRM®CW is an advanced and proven wound closure matrix for the treatment of chronic and difficult-to-heal wounds. It combines the benefits of the microporous structure of SUPRATHEL® with additional larger pores that have been specially developed for the effective treatment of chronic and difficult-to-heal wounds.


The revolutionary synthetic skin substitute for treating epidermal and dermal wounds. Trusted worldwide for over 20 years.