Matrix for guided wound closure

Debrided wound

Patient: ????
Etiology: ????
Comorbidities: ????

Day 1: SUPRA SDRM®CW was applied once to the debrided wound and covered with a Vaseline gauze

One week after SUPRA SDRM®CW application. Only the outer dressings are changed weekly (in this case: ironed absorbent cotton and elastic bandage)

Two weeks after SUPRA SDRM®CW application. Residues of the degraded SUPRA SDRM® were still visible in the wound and were not removed

Four weeks after SUPRA SDRM®CW application

Five weeks after SUPRA SDRM®CW application

Six weeks after SUPRA SDRM®CW application. Complete wound healing within six weeks with a single application of SUPRA SDRM®CW