Limb salvage

Patient: Male, 60 years
Etiology: Deep abscess of the left foot
Comorbidities: Diabetes, heart failure, peripheral arterial disease

Initial Presentation, after a deep abscess drainage of the foot, systemic antibiotic therapy, and local use of antibiotic cement, this patient presented with a 25 cm² wound with extensive necrotic tissue. The devitalized tissue was excised and SUPRA SDRM® was applied to fill the defect.

Week 5, after 4 weekly applications, the wound bed presented granulation tissue that covered all previously exposed tendons. The wound size recorded was 9.51 cm², representing a 62% reduction in size. Note how the fourth toe has completely healed and its amputation avoided.

Week 12, after 10 weekly applications, the wound was completely healed. The patient regained full function with adequate toe mobility and no pain on ambulation.

Diabetic ulcer

Patient: Male, 69 years
Etiology: Ulcer present for 6 months, other treatment modalities failed to close
Comorbidities: Type II diabetes mellitus


Week 4

Week 6

Week 7

Week 8

Pyoderma gangrenosum

Patient: Female, 71 years
Etiology: Pyoderma gangrenosum ulcer, leg
Comorbidities: 2-year-old PG ulcer


Week 4, the ulcer size had reduced by over 80% and the inflammatory halo was greatly reduced.

Week 5

Week 7

Week 8, complete healing was achieved with minimal scarring and no signs of soft tissue residual inflammation.

Venous leg ulcer

Patient: Male, 70 years
Etiology: Right lower extremity ulceration, treated for 4 months prior with no change in wound size
Comorbidities: Soft tissue trauma, lymphedema, venous insufficiency


Week 12